Dr. Lipton often hears from patients wondering about a facelift, as they feel that the upper third of their face is sagging and making them look perpetually tired. That kind of sagging is almost universal, but a facelift isn’t where to look for rejuvenation. Facelifts, despite their name, don’t address the entire face. Depending on the method used, a facelift will usually target the cheeks down to the upper neck area.
The brows involve an entirely different musculature because our brows are where we form our facial expressions. To address aging in the brows, Dr. Lipton uses a brow lift.
What is a brow lift?
Sometimes known as a forehead lift, brow lifts focus specifically on the upper third of the face, usually from above the eyelids up to the hairline. As with all of his surgeries, Dr. Lipton treats each patient’s situation as completely unique, so your areas of focus depend on your needs.
Generally brow lifts will bring sunken brows back up, adjusting the underlying support muscles and tissues. They can remove crow’s feet and forehead lines. The overall goal is to elevate the brows to alleviate the sagging that is giving the patient a perpetually tired or angry countenance.
How does Dr. Lipton perform brow lifts?
Brow lifts formerly involved a very long incision, starting at one ear in the hairline and running all the way up around the forehead and terminating at the other ear. Dr. Lipton rarely performs this method any longer, thanks to the endoscope.
Endoscopic brow lifts are the method of choice today. Dr. Lipton makes several small incisions up at the hairline. These are all very short. Through one of the incisions, an endoscope is inserted. This has a tiny camera on the end and it provides Dr. Lipton with a view of the area, without having to gain access through a lengthy incision. He inserts tiny tools through the other incisions to adjust underlying muscles and tissues. Endoscopic brow lifts have a much easier recovery and very little of the incision itching and numbness that comes with a traditional brow lift.
Dr. Lipton may use a temporal brow lift. This is a conservative approach to rejuvenation in the upper third of the face. This technique corrects only the outer one-third of the eyebrow. This is the first area to descend with age. This places weight and sagging on the upper eyelids.
If you’re tired of looking tired, a brow lift with Dr. Lipton could be a nice procedure. Call us at (972) 420-0023 to set up a consultation.