With all of your holiday parties coming up, wouldn’t it be nice if your skin looked fresh, revitalized, and younger? No, you don’t have to ask Santa for new skin. You simply need to come in to Dr. Lipton’s and have an AquaGold treatment.
We know, that kind of sounds like the latest superhero or something. But AquaGold actually combines microneedling with a form of mesotherapy to rejuvenate the skin.
What is AquaGold?
If you’re reading Dr. Lipton’s blog, you probably know about microneedling. The concept is to create hundreds of microscopic punctures into the epidermis layer of the skin, down into the skin’s second layer, the dermis. These punctures are so small they heal within just a few hours, but they trigger a wound response in the body. This response is to remodel existing collagen in the area, and to initiate the production of new collagen to send to “heal” the perceived wounds. This improves skin tone, texture, and firmness.
Mesotherapy has been used in Europe for weight loss. Traditional mesotherapy involves multiple injection below the dermis into the mesoderm, the layer below the dermis where the body’s connective tissues can be found. AquaGold doesn’t seek fat reduction, but it injects active ingredients such as plant extracts, enzymes, peptides, and vitamins deep into the skin with the goal of tightening and rejuvenating the skin.
How does AquaGold work?
AquaGold’s secret is a handpiece with a tip made up of 20 gold-plated needles. Each of these needles is about the width of a human hair. For a AquaGold treatment at Dr. Lipton’s we use a new tip for each patient, ensuring the needles are sterile and free from any reactions.
The AquaGold handpiece is moved across the skin surface and the needles move up and down. They reach a depth of 600 microns, which is the ideal depth for insertion of the various ingredients that will fortify the skin. The needles provide microneedling, while at the same time introducing vitamins, peptides, stem cells, and other beneficial ingredients.
Thanks to the 20 gold-plated microneedles, there is no tearing of the skin or other issues that can accompany some microneedling procedures. Your skin will be slightly red afterwards, but this usually passes overnight or through the next day. You can go right back to your normal activities after your AquaGold session.
Patients notice a change in their skin quality within the first 48 hours after treatment. These improvements continue to expand as the body supplies new collagen to the treatment areas, and as the healing ingredients fully begin to work within the mesoderm.
Interested in rejuvenation your skin for the holiday party season? Contact Dr. Lipton at (972) 420-0023 and make an appointment for an AquaGold treatment.