Summer is here and looking and feeling your best is something everyone deserves to feel. Getting rid of those stubborn pockets of fat can sometimes be difficult, even with regular diet and exercise. Fortunately, there is a solution. A liposuction procedure can help eliminate stubborn fat and get your body sculpted for summer. Here is everything you need to know about liposuction.
What Is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps remove fat from the body and resculpt your body. Tiny incisions are made on the targeted areas, and a long slender tube is inserted, which then sucks out all the unwanted fat. During some procedures, fluids can be injected into the area to reduce swelling and pain and make it easier to remove fat.
Am I a Good Candidate for Liposuction?
Liposuction is a safe procedure. While this procedure is not for everyone and is not considered a weight loss solution, it is a great way to remove fat. This procedure can remove up to 10 pounds of fat in one session, as well as from all parts of the body. Ideal candidates are close to their target weight. Other good candidates include the following:
- Do not smoke
- Have generally good health
- Have elastic skin
This procedure is not good for those who smoke as smoking can increase your chance of post-op complications. The chances of blood clots and thicker scars forming for those who smoke are increased.
Benefits of Liposuction
The main reason why individuals seek out liposuction treatment is due to how effective and consistent the results are. Unwanted fat deposits can deform our body figure and leave us feeling less confident. This procedure helps sculpt and reshape the body to help you regain your amazing physique and figure. Doing so can boost your confidence and help you feel more like yourself again.
Schedule an Appointment Today!
Dr. Lipton and our amazing team of experts and healthcare professionals look forward to meeting you and getting you started on your journey. We strive to provide you with the best service, care, and results possible. If you’re interested in a liposuction procedure, give us a call at 972-420-0023 to schedule an appointment. You can also visit us at for more information.