You have your “urban legends,” your “exaggerations,” your “misunderstandings,” and your “myths.” The aesthetic has many of the last.
Even the term “plastic” in plastic surgery is misunderstood. People think plastic is meant to be fake, akin to the material plastic. But in reality, the word plastic in plastic surgery comes from the Greek word meaning “to mold.”
Here are a few other doozies about plastic surgery that Dr. Lipton would like to clear up. After all, we like our patients from Lewisville and all over Dallas to be knowledgeable about the procedures and treatments we offer.
So, let’s get down to some dispelling…
Fat can’t reappear in other areas after liposuction
Fat removed by liposuction is permanently gone from that area. But that doesn’t mean you can now go out and eat potato chips by the family size bag and you won’t get fat. Fat can show up in other areas IF you put on a bunch of weight, and you can still create new fat cells, although you must gain a lot of weight to do so.
Liposuction is a great weight loss tool
This is along the line of the myth above. Some people think they can have liposuction to remove the weight they are not willing to work to get rid of themselves. Wrong. Liposuction is meant to remove pockets of fat that don’t respond to exercise or diet changes. Things like love handles. Dr. Lipton will not perform liposuction on patients unless they are within 10% of their ideal weight.
Plastic surgery doesn’t leave scars
Uh huh, and the election was stolen. Any time you’re making an incision and cut the skin, the result of the incision is a scar. Talented plastic surgeons such as Dr. Lipton, however, minimize the appearance of scars by placing the incisions in inconspicuous places such as where a natural crease occurs. Plus, he uses tiny sutures where applicable, and has other methods for shrinking the size of the corresponding scar.
You can’t go out in the sun after surgery
Not true. Now, sun exposure after surgery can delay your healing and can make your scars redden, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a shut-in like that lady down the street with the 47 cats. You simply need to cover your incisions, so they don’t get sun on them.
Breast augmentation is a one-time event
Nope. Breast implants have a limited lifespan, usually around 10 to 15 years. Plus, as the person with implants ages, her breasts will still droop with that aging. So, you will likely need another breast implant replacement procedure, and possibly a breast lift.
Let’s leave the mythology to Prometheus and Zeus. If you have questions about plastic surgery or anything else that Dr. Lipton does, give us a call and let’s talk about it, (972) 420-0023.