Removing unwanted hair is just like you’re living that Bill Murray movie Groundhog Day — you shave, pluck, wax, or use nasty creams, and then a few weeks later you get to do it all over again. And again. And again. Etc.
But you could get rid of the hair permanently with laser hair removal at Dr. Lipton’s. Laser hair removal targets the hair follicle to permanently stop hair from growing.
What is laser hair removal?
While lasers are all the rage in the latest Star Wars movies, at Dr. Lipton’s, we use lasers for skin tightening, skin resurfacing, and laser hair removal. Laser hair removal works by stopping the hair follicle from growing any more hair. Although some hair follicles may regenerate, in most cases laser hair removal is permanent.
How does laser hair removal work?
First, we calibrate the laser wavelength to match your hair color. Next laser light energy is applied to the area with the unwanted hair. The pigment in the hair absorbs the light, and it converts to heat energy. This heat travels down the hair shaft into the follicle at the base. There, the heat destroys or seriously damages the follicle, preventing future hair growth.
The laser energy isn’t absorbed as well by gray, red, light blond, or white hair, so this procedure isn’t as effective if this is your hair color.
Skin tone is not a deterrent, as we use two different lasers, the Yag 1064 and the Alexandrite, to accommodate different skin tones.
The growth cycle matters
Laser hair removal is only effective on hairs in the growth (anagen) cycle. This is when the follicle is actively involved and can then be affected by the laser energy. When hair is in the transition (telogen) or resting (catagen) phases, the hair is on the way to being shed, so the follicle has already stopped active participation.
This is important to understand, as the human body has millions of hair follicles and every follicle operates independently of each other. That’s why multiple laser hair removal sessions are needed to catch as many of the unwanted hairs as possible in the anagen phase.
How many sessions will I need?
It typically takes from six to eight sessions to reduce the hair in a target area by up to 90 percent. The effectiveness can also depend on the type and thickness of the hair. Sessions are normally spaced from five to six weeks apart.
Schedule a Consultation
Interested in saying goodbye to the razors and nasty depilatory creams? Call us at Dr. Lipton’s, 972-420-0023, to make your appointment.