A couple months back we discussed why you’re finding more and more hair in the drain every morning when you get out of the shower. Male or female pattern balding is an annoying aspect of the human experience.
That’s why Dr. Lipton felt it worth investing in a state-of-the-art option for hair restoration, the ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Restoration system. This system, developed by physicians working with researchers, is the leading hair transplantation system available in the world today.
Let’s spend April’s two blogs talking about restoring that hair of yours with ARTAS iX.
What Is the ARTAS Robotic System?
Robotic hair restoration sounds so space age, but it’s really all about better outcomes because of lower rates of guesswork, fatigue, and error. If you’re suffering from hair loss, you’ve likely heard of follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUE, follicles are taken from the back of the scalp, an area usually not affected by pattern baldness, and they are transplanted one by one to where the patient is thinning. FUE is performed manually in virtually all practices. As you would imagine, transplanting one thousand or more individual hair follicles is a difficult task for a doctor. It’s fatiguing, taking up to eight hours.
That’s where Dr. Lipton thought the ARTAS iX system would really work for our patients. The ARTAS iX system uses computer mapping, intelligent algorithms, and robotic technology. It takes all of the guesswork out of this process. Plus, it removes the fatigue factor, and subsequent errors, involved with a doctor manually harvesting and transplanting hundreds, even thousands of hairs.
Three Steps
There are three steps in the ARTAS iX system with Dr. Lipton.
- Design — Here, Dr. Lipton uses the ARTAS system software to design your transplantation. The system uses photographs of your head to create a 3D simulation for mapping the follicle transplant sites.
- Harvesting — The ARTAS iX system uses advanced digital imaging to analyze hair quality in the donor site. It selects the best hairs for harvesting and the robotic arm then does the actual harvesting as Dr. Lipton supervises.
- Transplantation — After it has harvested the requisite number of hair follicles, the ARTAS system stores and protects them. The system’s Site Mapping technology then creates a natural site distribution pattern for the transplant area. The robotic arm the does the work, under Dr. Lipton’s complete guidance.
How cool is that for your thinning — soon to not be thinning — hair? We’ll talk about it some more in April’s second blog. Until then, call Dr. Lipton at (972) 420-0023 to schedule a consultation for ARTAS Hair Transplantation.