Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. It can be a frustrating thing seeing more and more of your hair in the shower drain or your brush seemingly every day.
But you need to know that thinning hair is anything but rare. That’s why Dr. Lipton has added the ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Transplantation System to his practice. We’ve discussed the ARTAS system in past blogs. In this blog, let’s get into some statistics about why you could be a patient for it.
What is male pattern baldness?
Male pattern baldness accounts for over 95 percent of hair loss in men. By age 35, two thirds of American men will have some degree of appreciable hair loss. By age 50, 85 percent of men have significantly thinning hair.
What causes male pattern baldness?
Clinically titled androgenetic alopecia, male pattern baldness (MPB) can be blamed on heredity in most cases. Men who suffer from MPB inherit hair follicles with a genetic sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Hair follicles sensitive to DHT begin to miniaturize, which shortens the lifespan of each hair follicle affected. As the follicles become smaller, they produce hair that is shorter and finer. Eventually these follicles will stop producing hair.
Male pattern baldness follows the pattern of a receding hairline coupled with thinning on the crown of the scalp. These areas seem to have hair most sensitive to DHT. As the man’s baldness advances, the entire top will usually become bald with a remaining horseshoe of hair on the sides and back.
The ARTAS system
So, the idea is to take the healthy follicles from where you don’t need them and transfer them to where you do. When researching various options for this procedure, known as follicular unit extraction (FUE), Dr. Lipton felt far and away the best option was the ARTAS iX system. Developed by a combination of physicians and researchers, the ARTAS system utilizes state-of-the-art robotic technology and artificial intelligence to improve the FUE process. This improves the success rate of the transplanted follicles dramatically because when done manually by a doctor the process involves endless repetition that takes hours and leads to human error that decreases the number of follicles successfully taking in their new locations.
Are you worried about your thinning hair? Call Dr. Lipton at our Lewisville offices, (972) 420-0023, and ask about our ARTAS system for getting your hair back!