Breast Lift: Things You Should Know

Breast Surgery Dallas-Fort Worth TX

Much of the information you need to know (including answers to common questions all of our breast enhancement patients often ask) are answered in many of our other resource links, including:

Why Dr. Lipton for Your Breast Enhancement Procedure?

Your Signature Consultation

Answers to the Dozen Most Common Questions We Are Asked

Breast Augmentation or Lift?

Saline or Silicone?

How Do I Choose the Right Breast Implant Size For Me?

What is the Process from Start to Finish?

Here are the 4 primary lift options

  1. The Crescent Lift: In a Crescent Lift procedure, Dr. Lipton makes an incision around the upper half of the areola which is usually a small incision. It can be used with an augmentation procedure for a modest lift. Many women do not choose this lift technique (opting for only augmentation) because the incision at the top of the areola is (to many women) not worth the modest result.
  2. Peri-Areolar “Donut” Lift: The Donut “Lift” in essence tightens the skin around the breasts. Like the Crescent Lift, it can provide a more subtle lift. The two incisions for a Donut Lift are made around the circumference of the areola and about ½ inch or so outside the circumference of the areola. The surgeon removes the 1/2 inch or so of the skin around the areola, then pulls the rest of the skin to your areola. This results in tightening the breast, which can result in a modest lift. Individuals who desire more lift may be disappointed with the degree of results from the Donut Lift.
  3. Vertical Mastopexy “Lollipop” Lift: In a Lollipop Lift, the incision is made around the areola & vertically down to the crease beneath your breasts (hence the name “lollipop”). The Lollipop Lift can provide a nice, moderate lift that may be more robust than the Donut Lift. One drawback of the Lollipop Lift is it can stretch the lower portion of the skin of the breast because it does not have the additional support of the short incision underneath in the crease of the breasts. For most women, once the incisions are completely healed, they are nearly imperceptible. However, the stretching may result in the vertical incision healing a little bit wider than the same incision with the Anchor Lift. The Lollipop Lift can also sometimes result in the nipple peaking upwards a bit. When peaking occurs, some patients complain about their nipples peaking out of the top of a bikini or top of their bra.
  4. Complete Mastopexy Anchor Lift: The Anchor Lift is also known as the Complete Lift because it typically provides the complete results that many women are seeking from a breast lift procedure. In the Anchor Lift procedure, the incision is the same as the Lollipop, plus a virtually hidden incision in the crease under the breast. Many women who need a breast lift have excess skin from lower breast ptosis (drooping). The Anchor Lift may provide more contouring and lift, as well as removing excess skin that may not be removed by the Lollipop procedure. Like the Lollipop procedure, for most women, once the incisions are completely healed, they are nearly imperceptible. The Complete Anchor approach is the most common, most predictable breast lift procedure according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. It also may allow more lifting than the other procedures.

Dr. Lipton and his staff will help guide you to the procedure that best fits your needs and desires.

Can a breast augmentation be combined with a breast lift?

Breast Lifts are often combined with augmentations (implants) to help optimize results. Dr. Lipton and his staff will help guide you to the procedure that best fits your needs and desires.

Is a Breast Lift with a Breast Augmentation, one procedure or two?

This can be either two procedures or one. Several factors influence this decision. Dr. Lipton will discuss this with you in your consultation.

What is the Downtime From a Breast Lift Procedure

Recovery from breast lift surgery is similar to recovery from a breast augmentation procedure. The key difference is you might have more pain for a couple days or so from the additional work with your breast tissue and muscles. If the procedures are performed together, you discomfort and initial healing time might last a couple days or so longer. If the lift is performed separately from the augmentation, then recovery from the lift portion, once again, might be a little more painful than your augmentation for the first couple of days or so.But overall, recovery from a lift procedure may not be as difficult as you might think. For the first few days, you will have some discomfort, but it doesn’t usually require serious pain medication. Your chest will likely feel tight, but this is perfectly normal as the tissue needs to stretch and the implants need to settle into place.

Most patients can return to work in less than a week. You can begin non-impact activity in a week or so, but impact exercise needs to wait for at least one month. Wait 4 weeks to do things like jogging, treadmill, stairmaster, elliptical and swimming. Upper body exercises like weightlifting can typically resume in six weeks. You should also wait at least 6 weeks to participate in sports or recreation that might result in high impact to your breasts. So, hold off on skiing, mountain climbing, rugby, tennis, diving into a pool and other activities that might result in high impact.

If the procedures are performed separately, then you will avoid any strenuous or impact exercise and activities between procedures.

If I have separate Lift and Implant procedures, which is first?

Your lift procedure will be first.

If I have separate Lift and Implant procedures, how far apart are the procedures?

Typically, Dr. Lipton likes to wait 4 weeks between procedures. This can be modified as needed, as long as we give your breast tissue time to heal.

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