Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Gallery

Studio Portrait Of Smiling Overweight Woman

The Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck before after gallery of images you are about to view contain photos illustrating surgical procedures. They are clinical in nature and may include nudity. These images may not be suitable for all visitors and are intended only to provide an example of obtained results. If you are not an adult and do not have parental consent please select another section for viewing.

All Before After Images are Dr. Lipton’s actual abdominoplasty tummy tuck patients.

To speak with one of Dr. Lipton’s body contouring concierges, call 469-940-3688 or text 469-940-3688 to receive more information or schedule a consultation.


TT 3 BA Lateral

MM 9 BA Front

MM 9 BA Lateral

10313 BA TTmini Frnt

10313 BA TTmini Back

9600 TT Rt BA

TT BA 1 Front

TT BA 1 Lateral

9537 TT Rt BA

9537 TT Frnt BA

9501 BA TT Rt

9445 BAA TT Frnt B Copy

9445 BA TT Rt

9305 BA TT Frnt

7561 TT Rt BA

7235 BA TT Frnt

7235 BA TT Rt

All Before After Images are Dr. Lipton’s actual abdominoplasty tummy tuck patients.

To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Lipton, from your cell phone click to text 469-771-0760 (our staff cell phone), scroll to the bottom of the page to email, or call us at (972) 420-0023. We look forward to helping you.

Request A Consultation

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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