If you’re reading Dr. Lipton’s blog, you’re probably also familiar with other aspects of the aesthetic world. If so, you’ve probably already heard of hyaluronic acid. In fact, these days you hear about hyaluronic acid in all sorts of skin care products.
So, what is this stuff?
Hyaluronic acid is the basis of “naturally derived” dermal fillers. The natural fillers that Dr. Lipton uses are those in the Juvederm line: Juvederm, Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm Vollure, and Juvederm Voluma. These fillers are deemed naturally derived because hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the human body. In fact, it occurs in just about every living thing. In humans, it acts as a network that transfers essential nutrients from the bloodstream to the skin cells. Hyaluronic acid keeps the skin younger looking.
Here’s some more information on this mainstay of dermal fillers and great looking skin, hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid 101
Hyaluronic acid can be found throughout the human body. High concentrations are found in soft connective tissues and in the fluid surrounding your eyes. It’s also in cartilage and joint fluids. Outside the world of aesthetics, you may have heard of hyaluronic acid being used as an injection for people with arthritis to ease the pain in their joints and to provide extra cushioning.
When hyaluronic acid gel is injected for aesthetic reasons, it acts like an inflated cushion supporting facial structures and tissues that may have lost volume or elasticity due to normal aging. For the skin, hyaluronic acid binds with water molecules to plump and hydrate the skin. You can see that to be effective hyaluronic acid needs to be under the epidermis, not atop it. That’s why its recent appearance in all sorts of lotions and topical treatments is really nothing more than hype and probably not worth spending extra money for it as a topical ingredient.
Where are hyaluronic acid fillers used?
The different Juvederm products we use at Dr. Lipton’s target different areas of the face. These are some specific issues addressed with these fillers:
- Nasolabial lines
- Marionette lines
- Parentheses lines
- Barcode lines
- Acne scars
- Cheek depressions
- Frown lines between the eyebrows
- Redefining lip borders
- Acne scars
- Wound scars
- Smoker’s lines
- Worry lines
Now that you’re an expert on hyaluronic acid, do you need to address some volume issues with one of our Juvederm fillers? Call Dr. Lipton at (972) 420-0023 to make an appointment.